Lifetime Access to 10 Amazing TradingView Indicators
We know that these 10 trading indicators will make a significant difference because those who don’t use them, often have trouble achieving rapid results.
What can these tools do for you?
Automatically mark up your charts
Make it easier to understand the markets
Speed up your learning journey
We know it's easy to get super overwhelmed on the charts and you may not even know where to start...
... and we certainly don't want this for you!
We want you to focus on the things that will make you the MOST money right now!
So, our team decided to create these very special indicators to help you...
Introducing... 10 Amazing Relentless Indicators !
Our courses teach the ‘why’ of trading, while the indicators show you the ‘when’ and ‘where’.
1. The Meraki Indicator
2. Market Maker Indicator
3. Smart Money Concepts
4. Currency Strength v1
5. Our NEW Currency Strength v2
6. The Lot Size Calculator (Manage Risk)
7. Key Levels & Market Sessions
8. Trend & Structure
9. Relative Strength Index (RSI)
10. Average Daily Range (ADR)
These indicators will help you to actually implement your trading strategy with much less effort. Highlighting in real time what is going on in the markets, so you can start earning whilst you're learning!
Was $1,323... Buy now and unlock Lifetime access for just $147 ⤵️
Here's some quick videos to show you EXACTLY how these tools and settings work so you can see them for yourself!
1. Smart Money Concepts Indicator
✅ The indicator draws automatically on the charts what you have learnt to help you make you the MOST money the fastest! $227 Today Only: $15
2. Market Maker Indicator
✅ This indicator tracks the charts for you 24/7 so you can get alerted as and when you need to take a look, so that you're not glued to the screen. $197 Today Only: $15
3. Meraki Indicator
✅ This indicator automatically plots support and resistance levels from multiple timeframes, ensuring you trade in perfect alignment with our top educators’ strategy. $197 Today Only: $15
4. NEW Currency Strength v2
✅ This indicator shows real-time insights into currency trends on any timeframe, helping you spot profitable trading opportunities quickly and efficiently. $120 Today Only: $15
5. Currency Strength v1
✅ This indicator gives a daily overview of each and every currency pair to save you the time of doing it individually yourself. $47 Today Only: $15
6. The Lot Size Calculator
✅ This indicator helps you manage your risk effectively by calculating the optimal lot size for each trade based on your specific risk parameters, making it easy to protect your trading account balance. $167 Today Only: $15
7. Key Levels & Market Sessions
✅ This indicator enhances your market awareness by clearly marking key levels, including opening prices, and visually displaying market session times, helping you make informed trading decisions during peak trading hours. $97 Today Only: $15
8. Trend & Structure
✅ This indicator helps you gain a clear view of the market's direction and underlying structure, which simplifies complex market trends and patterns, enabling you to align your trades with prevailing movements. $97 Today Only: $14
9. Relative Strength Index (RSI)
✅ This enhanced RSI indicator not only measures market momentum but also highlights potential divergence reversal areas, alerting you to possible trend reversals before they occur. $47 Today Only: $14
10. Average Daily Range (ADR)
✅ This custom-calculated ADR indicator, developed from extensive in-house experience, provides you with precise daily range forecasts, helping you set realistic profit targets and stop-loss orders. $127 Today Only: $14
And so much more!
Normally these all cost $1,323...
But you can UNLOCK Lifetime access today for just $147! ⤵️
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